kakak is contented with her life. ehhehe...im glad. she deserves every part of it. she deserves to be happy. Hey Mr. you better make her happy!!!
kak ayu is getting engaged like reall soon. and im gonna help her with the gubahan and all. been ages since ive seen her. i soo cant wait till exams are over and zoom ill be at her house in no time! ahah...good luck kak!
izam is with a new girl. hope he is happy with her and i wish them all the best. please dont ever break my brother's heart again. i want him to keep believing in love. and abang, make sure u love her sincerely. i dont want you to be the guys whom i used to detest.
mummy is putting curfews on me. cause have been going back so late these days...am trying to understand her. love you mother!
anas...im sorry to hear about your grandfather. may god bless his soul and may he rest in peace.
farah...let him lead his life. as long as youre happy. we are here to make you smile!
seri...missing ya beb. hrmms sabar jer ok...
aziemah...sweetheart dont be soo sad...cmon there are many guys out there waiting for eu to notice them!
ama...love you muchos chicken!
fima...syg kau...hahah blaja ok! i oso sia!
drama...am missing acting soo much...
me? im trying to come out of the dark hole. im tired being sad and emotional always. hahah...its time i smile!
someone bring back princess hiesha's smile back please....